Plan your next biking adventure

Farmer's Market Ride
6.3 mi | +82 ft elevation | Out and back
Join your neighbors on a Saturday morning ride from north Temecula to the Farmer's Market in Old Town. This route follows paved bike trails, separated from traffic. Enjoy a safe ride along the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail, Santa Margarita Regional Trail, and Old Town Creek Walk.

Intermediate PUMP TRACK
At Wolf Creek Park
For Both Newcomers and Experienced Riders
Located in the southern end of town across from Fire Station 92, Temecula's brand new intermediate-level pump track is designed for both newcomers and experienced riders alike. Wolf Creek Park is easy to access by way of the Great Oak Trail (Class I), bike lanes on Wolf Creek Drive (Class II), or from the fully buffered Redhawk / Vail Ranch loop.

Intermediate PUMP TRACK
At Long Canyon Creek Park
For Both Newcomers and Experienced Riders
Located in the northern end of town across from James L. Day Middle School, Temecula's brand new intermediate-level pump track is designed for both newcomers and experienced riders alike. Whether you're looking to get huge air or prefer to keep the rubber side down, drop in and enjoy the rollers behind the rolling hills of Meadowview.
Southside to City Hall
A safe route across town
3 - 5.5 mi each way | +131 ft elevation | Out and back
Would you like to visit Old Town by bike, but aren't sure how to safely cross the Temecula Creek, Temecula Parkway and I-15? Whether you're a southside resident, or visiting the Pechanga Resort, this route is for you. Enjoy a peaceful ride along multi-use trails and calm rural streets with a mid-point rest-stop at the Rose Haven Heritage Garden.

Murrieta Creek Regional Trail
1.5 mi | +44 ft Elevation | Regional Trail
Nestled between Murrieta Creek and Diaz Road, the Temecula section of the Murrieta Creek Regional Trail features scenic picnic areas, and both paved and dirt surfaces. Riders can follow the creek north or cross under the freeway to connect all the way from Old Town to Wine Country.

Pump Track Circuit
At the Ronald Reagan Sports Park
2 Tracks | 187m of Smooth Riding | For All Ages
Perfect for bikers and skaters before or after a session in the skate park. Two special wooden wallrides add extra thrill and style. Easy access, free entrance, tons of parking and open 24/7. New riders can build their confidence on the mini pump track right next door.

Midtown Quiet Ride
Wine Country to Old Town
6.6 mi each way | +286 ft elevation | Out and back
Enjoy a quiet ride on trails and neighborhood streets, 25-35 MPH, all the way across central Temecula. This route starts at a park on the edge of wine country and finishes in Old Town at city hall, passing by the Rose Haven Heritage garden along the way.

SG Trail Through Sommers Bend to Wine Country
Safe Route Into Wine Country
11.7 mi | +642 ft elevation | Clockwise Loop
This safe clockwise loop shows how to get out and back from the Santa Gertrudis Trail and Old Town Area, going through Sommers Bend to get to Wine Country. Arrives right next to Akash winery and a variety of other wonderful wineries.